Venice is a city that never ceases to amaze, with its unique artistic and cultural heritage, but there is one event in particular that manages to enhance its beauty and charm in a special way: the Feast of the Redentore (the “Redeemer”). This celebration, deeply rooted in the Venetian tradition, combines the sacred and the profane, history and entertainment, in a blaze of lights, colors.

If you are planning your summer vacation for 2024, you can’t miss the opportunity to live this unforgettable experience.


The origins and history of the Feast of the Redeemer

To fully understand the meaning of the Feast of the Redeemer, we need to take a dip in the past, precisely in 1576.

In that year, Venice was hit by a violent plague epidemic, which brought the entire city to its knees, claiming thousands of victims. For this reason, the Doge Alvise I Mocenigo, in desperation, made a solemn vow: if the city was freed from the scourge, he would immediately have a church dedicated to Christ the Redeemer built.

His prayer was incredibly accepted: the plague ceased and the Doge kept his promise. The design of the church was entrusted to the famous architect Andrea Palladio, who built a majestic and bright temple on the island of Giudecca, in front of St. Mark’s Square. It was 1577 and the city celebrated the end of the plague with a large procession that crossed a pontoon bridge specially set up to reach the new church.

Since then, every year, on the third weekend of July, Venice renews this ancient vow with a festival that is both a religious commemoration and a popular celebration, in which the city shines with its own light, giving unique joy to citizens and visitors.

chiesa del redentore

When is the Feast of the Redeemer in 2024?

This year, the Feast of the Redeemer will fall on the weekend of July 19-21. Three magical and intense days, in which Venice will dress up as a party to honor its history and traditions.

The highlight of the celebration is scheduled for Saturday, July 20, with the traditional fireworks display that illuminates St. Mark’s Basin, but the whole weekend will be a succession of unmissable events.

Weekend program

Experiencing Venice during the weekend of the Redentore is an unforgettable experience, to be done at least once in a lifetime. And why not go there this year?

Here is the full program:

  • Friday, July 19, 2024

Starting at 8 p.m., the votive bridge that connects the Zattere with the Church of the Redeemer on the island of Giudecca opens, which remains accessible until midnight on Sunday.

The city, as early as Friday, comes alive with stalls and illuminated boats, creating a unique festive atmosphere.

  • Saturday, July 20, 2024

The illuminations of the Redentore are lit along the banks of the Zattere and Giudecca, giving an extraordinary light show.

At the same time, from 7 pm to 11 pm, the waters of the Grand Canal, St. Mark’s Basin, Zattere and Giudecca are filled with itinerant music with the Redentore Floats and private boats.

Around 11:30 p.m., the most awaited moment of the whole weekend begins: the fireworks display in St. Mark’s Basin, which lasts about half an hour. This will be followed by music, celebration and sharing in all the streets of Venice.

  • Sunday, July 21, 2024

The day begins with the traditional Redentore regattas along the Giudecca Canal: at 4 p.m. there is the regatta on two-oared pupparini for young people, followed at 4:45 p.m. by the regatta on two-oared pupparini, and at 5:30 p.m. by the regatta on two-oared gondolas.

At 7 p.m., at the Church of the Redeemer on the island of Giudecca, the Votive Holy Mass is celebrated.

festa del redentore

Where to admire the fireworks of the Redeemer?

The fireworks display of the Redentore is one of the most anticipated and spectacular moments of the festival. But what are the best spots to fully enjoy this event?

Without a doubt, the shores of the Zattere and the Giudecca Island offer a privileged view of the fires. In fact, these places are filled with Venetians and tourists who, between a glass of wine and a snack, eagerly await the start of the show. Be careful, however: in order to avoid overcrowding and ensure a usable space for everyone, for some years now reservations have been required to access the Giudecca Island. The ticket is free but must be picked up at the online portal of the Municipality of Venice.

Another good option to admire the fireworks is to find a place along the banks of Riva degli Schiavoni or near St. Mark’s Square, where you can immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere of the city at 360°.

Venice therefore offers numerous panoramic points to admire the fireworks of the Redentore, but also from Punta Sabbioni it is possible to enjoy the show, in a quieter and more evocative context, directly from the beach.


Experience the fireworks on board a boat

If you want to experience the Feast of the Redeemer in an even more special and particular way, why not consider the idea of admiring the fireworks on board a boat?

Camping Ca’Savio offers all guests of the campsite the opportunity to participate in boat tours organized by local companies, to enjoy the fireworks show from a unique perspective.

What are you waiting for? Whether you prefer to enjoy the show from the beach of Punta Sabbioni, among the Venetian streets or on board a boat, book your stay at Ca’Savio now and live with the people you love the Festa del Redentore 2024!

Would you like to come to Venice for the Redentore? You could stay in one of our accommodation or pitches