Day trip to Venice and the Islands

We suggest you a boat excursion to Venice and the Lagoon islands: Murano, Burano e Torcello.

The excursion is organized in cooperation with “Turistica Penzo” on board of the “New Pirata” ship (250 seats, a restaurant room, a deck with panoramic wiev, bar and music, telephone and wc).



  • Monday and Tuesday, 9.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
  • Adults: 25.00€, children 6-12 years: 15€, 0-5 years: free of charge.

The excursion tickets can be bought one day in advance at the Customer Care Office of Ca’Savio campsite.

This tour to Venice and the Island is available in June, July and August and it’s guaranteed only at reaching of a minimum number of participants.
