Cavallino-Treporti: open-air holidays towards sustainability

The project “CAVALLINO-TREPORTI: OPEN-AIR HOLIDAYS TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY” is aimed to enhance the tourism destination of Cavallino-Treporti and  therefore involves the Destination Management Organization of Cavallino-Treporti. The project is promoted by the tourism promotion Consortium “Parco Turistico di Cavallino-Treporti”, which is the leader of 25 companies participating.

The enhanced tourist products are connected to open-air tourism, with a slow & green  focus, to the lagoon ecosystem, to cycling tourism, and to culture and food and wine. The reference markets are the both the Italian (Veneto, Lombardy, Friuli Venezia Giulia,Trentino Alto Adige, Piedmont and Rome) and the European ones, with focus on Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Netherland and Scandinavian countries. Specific promotional, marketing and awareness actions have been planned, both with traditional tools, such as TV spot on RAI channels, articles on foreign specialized magazine, production of a new catalogue, and with online tools, as the consortium website, Social network, combined with the use of innovative platforms.

The main objectives are to enhance the destination of Cavallino-Treporti as a sustainable and accessible destination, to consolidate specific markets and acquire new ones, to create a strong and unitary tourism governance consistent with the brand “Veneto The Land of Venice”.


Project carried out with the PR Veneto FESR 2021-2027 – Action 1.3.10 – Consolidation of aggregations of Small Medium Enterprises, for interventions on national and international markets, already beneficiaries of POR FESR 2014-2020 measures

Leader Consortium Parco Turistico di Cavallino-Treporti.

Participant: VIANELLO VITTORIO S.P.A, with eligible expenditure of € 43,870.00 and granted contribution of € 26,322.00 €



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