Camping Ca’ Savio is a campsite operating in Cavallino-Treporti for over 60 years. It provides open-air holidays in contact with nature, both on for pitches and in accommodation, and a variety of services according to the current needs of guests and the trends in the European tourist market. Its activities focus mainly on providing hospitality and reception services, overnight stays in pitches for caravans, campers and tents and in different types of accommodation, and on offering the guests many facilities and additional services, such as the beach, swimming pools, playground, restaurant, market, daytime and evening entertainment and sports activities for adults and children.
Guest staying at Camping Ca’ Savio are both national and international, mainly coming from German-speaking countries. Spending an open-air beach holiday is their main travel motivation, with the additional possibility of combining a visit to Venice and its artistic and cultural heritage. Guest who area coming during the season are different not only for nationalities but also for their personal profiles: senior guests appreciate the mild climate and tranquillity typical of the campsite and Cavallino-Treporti in spring and September, while young couples with little children and families with school-age children choose the campsite for the variety and quality of the services, the natural setting and the presence of the large, easily accessible and sandy beach.
The organisation provides its services by employing staff with the appropriate level of professionalism for the tasks in hand. In addition to direct experience, the staff obtains specialised training both by participating in specific courses, which are constantly updated, and by working alongside qualified personnel.
With the aim of carrying out its mission and in coherence with its strategic vision, Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. has decided to adopt a Gender Equality Management System (SGPG) compliant with UNI/PdR125:2022, as valuable tool to ensure gender equality in relation to the presence and professional growth of women, to spread an inclusive culture and to activate processes able to develop female empowerment.
The achievement of certification for Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. is just the first step in a path to implementing policies of gender equality, aimed to improve and promote the equality related to gender. The certification is aimed to accompany and stimulate the organization to adopt policies suitable to reduce gender gap with consequent immediate benefit for wellbeing of the personnel, further than indirect advantage for the reputation and ethical impact of the company.
The fundamental principles underlying Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. Gender Equality Policy S.p.A. are:
Vianello Vittorio S.p.A concentrates its commitment to create a Gender Equality Management System (SGPG) meeting the requirements of UNI/PdR 125:2022 and in line with Strategy for Gender Equality 2020-2025 defined by the European Union, to achieve the following objectives:
Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. is involved in the development of a cultural and working environment that fosters Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment and protect mental and physical well-being of the people, removing any obstacle to equal opportunity for women and men at work, both at cultural and organizational level about the following aspects:
The Direction of Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. considers essential the continuously adoption of a Gender Equality Management System (SGPG) to achieve principles and objectives above mentioned and to develop a business and organizational model that promotes gender equality and enhance equity and inclusion.
In particular, the commitments undertaken by Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. are:
Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. consolidates recruitment and selection processes aimed to remove all type of discrimination and to grant equity and meritocracy, giving value to diversity. The job vacancies are constructed in a gender-neutral manner, using inclusive language, the choice of most suitable candidate for each job position is bases only on the evaluation of experience, skills and in addition a specific training about gender equality, bias and stereotypes is provided for people involved in the processes. Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. explicitly underlines during the onboarding process the importance given to themes of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Gender Equality, asking to its personnel to express adherence to these values in their daily work, through language, behaviours and actions, helping the Organization providing equal opportunity in the labour world, to prevent bullying, harassment, victimization and discrimination.
Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. recognizes the value of continuous learning and makes training and development opportunity available and easily accessible to all people in the company, paying attention to issue related Gender equality, encouraging everyone to develop its own potential so that talents and individual resources can contribute to a better efficiency of the organization.
Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. is implementing performance evaluation processes based on responsibility, skills and results, encouraging constructive and respectful dialogue between Managers and Employees.
The company offers the possibility of internal mobility for all personnel, also through self-nominations to internally vacant positions made available, ensuring that career progress is established on performance and merit-based evaluations.
Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. promotes inclusive leadership styles and the creation of gender-balanced succession plans.
The remuneration policy of Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. is founded on principles of objectivity, equity and transparency, expressed through a neutral system to evaluate positions, based on clear, objective and shared organizing criteria, which enhance the different responsibility of each roles defining payment according to related weight within the organization. Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. guarantees the same growth and development opportunity enhancing in each role the merit of the person, with intervention on fixed payment and with system of variable incentive connected to responsibility, achieved results and quality of the professional contribute provided.
In compliance with the regulation and with the respectful attitude towards people, Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. recognize the full enjoyment of the right at maternity and paternity leave and support its promotion, participating in all aspect related to this important life moment. The organization undertakes the commitment to inform, protect, support and enhance people before, during and after absence from work due to maternity, paternity and illness, ensuring that the person and work group face these moments in an aware, constructive, inclusive way. Vianello Vittorio S.p.A provides all useful information to manage these moments in the best way, facilitating reintegration of the person through specific training and support activities.
Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. considers cooperation, mutual help and the spirit of service between Colleagues as a full expression of the principle of respect for people.
Willing to support mental and physical well-being of individual and therefore of the family, the company provide flexible work solutions, compatible and suitable with the feature of organizational roles and able to protect need of work-life balance conciliation required
Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. believes that listen to its people and involve them in the process of continuous improvement of the „people experience journey” is essential, therefore it periodically carries out surveys on the entire company population to monitor the perception of organizational and individual well-being, also with specific reference to the issues of Equity, Inclusion and Gender Equality.
The willing to pursue Equity, Gender Equality and to give value to diversity and women empowerment guide the company’s choices, its language and the whole tone of voice of the company, with direct impact both on company’s internal communication and on advertisement and marketing promotion.
The attention dedicated to this issue will also influence future choice of joining associations and of participating to events, so that in every event promoted by the Organization, as far as possible, is assured a gender balance among the speakers.
By developing and implementing the Strategic Plan, the Committee for Gender Equality identifies the objectives to be pursued for the achievement of Gender Equality and reports its progress over time, integrating it into daily behaviours, languages, actions and activities.
The Committee is provided with an annual budget, adequate for the pursuit, achievement and maintenance of the Gender Equality objectives established in the Strategic Plan, approved with the act of establishment of the Committee of 1 July 2024. Upon proposal of the committee itself, this budget may be modified.
The Organization adopts zero tolerance for any form of mobbing, harassment, defamation or any other offensive behaviour based on individual characteristics or that may humiliate, offend, intimidate or insult other people, carried out by Employees, Workers, Candidates, Customers, Suppliers, Visitors or any other Stakeholder, and takes into consideration reports of this type of incidents occurred during work activities.
Every person who believes to have been discriminated, unfairly treated because of gender or has found a lack of Gender Equality in the company, is encouraged to report it using also in anonymous way the Google form specifically settled, without fear of incurring retaliation. Alternatively, it is always possible a verbal report directly to the Company’s Committee for Gender Equality, or sending a message to this specific email address:
Violations of the present Gender Equality Policy may trigger the application of adequate and proportionate disciplinary sanctions, also considering any criminal relevance attributable to the behaviour.
All reports collected regarding violations (or suspected violations) of Gender Equality will be brought to the attention of the Committee.
Within the broader framework of the organization’s programmatic guidelines, the General Policy on Gender Equality and the related one provides, to assess its suitability and the need of changes or additions, together with the Committee for Gender Equality, the definition and periodic review of the objectives on gender equality.
The policy on gender equality is communicated to all staff and interested parties through internal communication and publication on the institutional website.
Cavallino Treporti, 18.09.2024