On a journey towards a future-ready campsite

At Camping Ca’Savio we love what we do – to co-create and share unique experiences with our guests. A campsite leaves its footprint on nature and the local communities – we aim to make it as much of a positive footprint as possible. One of our long-term goals is to preserve the natural and social environment here, and to co-live in a regenerative way. A Ca’Savio experience in close connection with the campsite, with nature and the people is done together and would like all of us to collaborate on the journey to sustain this campsite and make us future-ready.

Camping Ca’Savio has been on this journey for many years and recently decided to join forces in a partnership to walk the pathway towards regenerative practices together. The transition to a more sustainable way of offering holiday, the local realisation of the Global Sustainable Development Goals, and eventually designing a regenerative campsite culture are long-term, complex and collaborative processes. It is a journey together with you, the guest; and with partners.

What does it mean?

Pairing the scientific expertise and real-world doing experience of the partnering Monviso Institute with the vision and local knowledge of the Vianello family at Camping Ca’Savio, we started to take a “view from above” on our current state of connectedness – connectedness with nature, guests, local communities, ourselves. We began to better understand where we are today, and how we could go to a future-ready camping and to identify concrete first steps, that we call stepping stones. Such single steps are activities, places or projects that need to be connected. A system that forms a pathway, to allow for a journey, to grow so strong that it can sustain a future-ready, regenerative campsite. From this grew the new initiative #InterconnectedCaSavio.

The journey towards a future-ready camping experience can only be done together, so we invite you to join and give us your feedback.

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